Saturday, June 16, 2012

Mark is 7 months today!

Wow the time flies. Mark is now 7 months old. He is a big boy. He just keeps growing. He loves his milk and food. He really likes butternut squash and green beans. He is working on crawling, but he still doesn't enjoy being on his tummy. I just keep working with him and trying new ways. He loves when I take him outside and do tummy time outside. He does so much better outside. He likes when I put a pillow under his arms so he is not flat on his tummy. He is very strong willed when it comes to dressing him and doing tummy time. So I have to keep figuring out ways that works for him. Mark claps his hands and will give you kisses. He will put his lips together and makes a kiss. He watches what I do with my mouth and tries to do it. He says "ba ba ba" and loves to make his lion sound. He makes people laugh with his sounds and he enjoys it. He loves to be around people and he will let others hold him. He is a very happy boy.

He is still drooling a lot, but no teeth yet.

Yesterday Mark and I went to Boone Hall Plantation to pick blueberries. It is $2.50 a pound and they are really good. Mark loved it and you can see his excitement in this video. I try to take him places because he loves to be outside.

Last Sunday Bret had to work so Mark and I decided to match to church. Bret is now working 7 days straight  for 12 hour days and then 2 days off. So last Thursday and Friday he had off and worked Saturday and Sunday. On Friday we went to temple 1.5 hours away. We do a trade off at the temple so that we can both do temple work and watch Mark at the temple. It works out great. There is a little waiting area that we wait with Mark while the other one does temple work. Mark was really good the whole time and all the temple workers were touched by his smiles and sounds. There was a really sweet lady probably in her 70's and she loved Mark. He was very calm with her and put his lips together and did a kiss at her. It was really sweet.

He now sitting up on his own. 

It is a little dark, but this video is really cute of Mark making his sounds. I think he is making Lion sounds because his jumper has animal sounds. This is the sound he makes at church during Young Women's lesson and all my Young Women get a kick out of it. 

 Watch what he does with his feet while eating. He is always moving his feet. 

We put him in this basket and pushed him around the room and he just loved it. 


  1. Thanks for the update! Mark is so cute in the videos, I love his "roar". Wish we could see you all soon. Bret, hope your tiredness gets better. Are you taking any vitamins?
    By the way, love Mark's side lick hairdo.

    1. That is Mark's missionary hairdo. So cute! I got some really good vitamins from my sister that both of us are taking. She sent me some really good iron pills that help me so much. I feel great! I had been praying to find something that can help both of us and then my sister called me telling me what she just found that is helping her. So, I know that is was answer to my prayers.
