This was a busy weekend for us. On Friday afternoon Bret had a class activity and the families were able to go. I love when the whole family can go to these activities. It was fun, we put Mark in his stroller and we watch Bret played baseball. We ate hot dogs and hamburgers and had a good time. Then in the evening we went to our missionary movie night that we have every third Friday of each Month. We watched "17 miracles" and ate sloppy joes. Then on Saturday was my Young Women's Sock Hop Girl's Camp Fundraiser. Our ward has been doing this for 6 years now and everyone really enjoys it. We had hot dogs/ hamburgers, chips and baked beans. We did a bake sale and a dessert auction. People in the ward signed up to bring desserts to sale in the bake sale or to auction off. The dessert auction is a lot of fun and people really get into it. We have ladies in our ward who decorate cakes or make amazing desserts and their desserts go for $50, $60, $70. We make plenty of money for all the girls to go to girl's camp. We had a fun eventful weekend.

Young Women's Sock Hop
To raise money for Girl's Camp
(only picture I have)
I bring Mark to mutual on Tuesday nights and the young women love him. One of the young women put her sun glasses on Mark. So cute!!!
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